All The Right Places by Jenna Sutton

Posted on January 7, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 12 Comments

I purchased the ebook as a freebie in August 2018 and I received the audiobook later in the year in exchange for an honest review.  I took advantage of Amazon’s whisper sync feature by listening/reading this title.
Narration: Ava Lucas narrated this title and I enjoyed her narration. She captured the voices of each character well, which made it easy to distinguish between whom spoke at any given time.
Amelia is  designer, hired by Quinn’s sister to revamp the women’s department of Riley O’Brien and Co. Quinn believes she is there to design accessories. Amelia had a hard childhood. She grew up in an abusive home. Neglected by her mother and had no clue as to her father’s identity. She only had her best friend Ava Grace on whom she could rely.  It would have been good if the author had expanded on Amelia’s childhood.
Quinn is the opposite of Amelia in that he grew up in a privileged environment.  Currently, the CEO of the company as his father has taken ill. At times, he feels overwhelmed by the situation but he is determined to do what is right for the company. He faces many obstacles from persons within the company who are resistant to change.
The attraction between Quinn and Amelia is raw and passionate. Amelia tried fighting her attraction to Quinn knowing she was deceiving him, but he did not make it easy for her to keep her distance. He is determined to be with her.
I have to admit Amelia’s hot and cold actions proved frustrating. She wanted to be with Quinn, but her deception got in the way. It would make things easier if she came clean. When she decided to come clean, and he reacted negatively, she was disappointed. Seriously, did she really expect the man to say that is ok all is forgiven, please? SMH. These heroines can be so dimwitted at times.
Initially I was not a big fan if Quinn although I felt bad for him in regards to the deception perpetuated by his sister Teagan and by Amelia. I understood his sister‘s desire to take the company to the next level, but the steps she took to achieve this was downright horrible. As the story progressed, his sensitive side came to the forefront.
Now when these two finally got together, it was not at all, what I expected. Yes, there were some sexy moments, but I had a difficult time connecting with them as a couple. Their relationship was based on sex rather than on emotions.
Secondary Characters
I am intrigued by the supporting characters and would love to learn more about them. I got a little taste of Teagan’s personality and possible romantic involvement.  I would be interested to read her story as long as denim is not mentioned.
I had a difficult time getting through the story. The story was built around manufacturing of denim while the romance took a back seat. I am not interested in how jeans are made; all I need to know is that they fit. As a result, I found myself skimming pages.
I wanted to like this one, but it was just an average read for me.  If love your romance steamy and do not mind graphic description of the bedroom scenes, then you like All the Right Places.

About Jenna Sutton

Jenna Sutton is a former award-winning journalist who traded fact for fiction when she began writing novels. Surprisingly, the research she conducted for her articles provided a lot of inspiration for her books. She’s the author of the Riley O’Brien & Co. romances and the new Trinity Distillery series. Although Jenna calls Texas home, more often than not, she’s somewhere else. Her love’s job takes him all over the country, and she tags along, just like a groupie follows her favorite band.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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12 responses to “All The Right Places by Jenna Sutton

  1. Yeah, that deception would be a disappointment for me, I think, especially if she thought he’d cry ‘no harm no foul’ after such a big and lasting lie. I do like the idea of the company for a setting. I think I’ve got this one on my Kindle, too.

  2. Debbie Haupt

    I totally agree with you about dimwitted heroines. The truth is always the best way to go.
    Thanks Nadene

  3. I’m not a fan of characters keeping secrets knowing through the story that it’s bound to come out and make drama. Sorry to hear the story wasn’t everything you hoped, Nadene, but happy to hear the narration was good.