Review: Daring Summer by Elyse Douglas

Posted on July 31, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2019 New Release Challenge, Reviews / 15 Comments

Daring Summer by Elyse Douglas is a well-crafted tale that will keep you reading as you need to know the outcome. This story aptly epitomize the saying by Confucius, ‘’before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves’’.An interesting cast of characters that helped to drive the plot. It was fun getting to know each of them. Their thoughts and the events that drove their actions stood out making it easy to connect to them. Cheating in no form is justifiable, but I understood why Kim ended up in Derek’s arms. I sympathized with her, even though I kept wondering why she stayed with a man who treated her with such contempt. Love between a man and a woman will burn hot, but if they do not nurture it would fizzle out. This was Kim’s experience.

Ben is manipulative and devious. He accuses Kim of cheating. His friends fed into his paranoia. It didn’t help that he was twenty-nine years older than her.

Derek a former soldier turned landscaper. He wants nothing to do with women, as he believes they are not worth the trouble, but Kim was a completely different ball game. One look, one taste and he was a goner. He could not get enough of her. It is true when they say forbidden fruit is rather tasty. However, tasting of the forbidden fruit may just prove fatal.

Daring Summer was an interesting and riveting read. I enjoyed the courtroom drama and loved how the events in that regard unfolded. It did not take long for me to figure out what Ben was planning for his wife and who assisted him. What had me on edge was learning if would get away with his diabolical plan.

The story delivered a perfect blend of romance and suspense. The story had depth and was well developed. I have to say though sometimes Derek and Kim were reckless in their meetings after they discovered what Ben had been planning. Why give the man more ammunition to work against them? SMH

Overall, I enjoyed this book. This is my first foray with the author and I had a good time


Please tell us something about the book that is not in the summary.  (About the book, character you particularly enjoyed writing etc.)
A: What interested me initially about Daring Summer were the character’s flaws, and how each were driven by them.  Derek struggles with psychological trauma from his past; from his damaged father and from the war.
Kim struggles with issues of her father’s abandonment.  She marries an older man and learns he is abusive.
And, Finally, Ben, is tortured by jealousy and greed to the point of self destruction.
These are not easy characters, but I found them all fascinating.  Each are strong-willed, scared and ambitious.  It is through love that Kim and Derek grow, risking everything for their relationship.
Where do you get the names for your characters?
A: By rattling off names in my head until my intuition says, “That’s the one!”
What is your favorite scene in the book? Why?
A: Kim has been arrested for attempted murder.  Derek must humble himself before a wealthy man and ask for a million dollars to post bail for her release from jail.  Derek is a proud man—an ex-soldier and a loner—who has never asked anyone for anything. It’s the first time we learn that Derek is truly in love with Kim, and he will do whatever it takes to free her.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
A: For Kim Ryan, Michelle Williams.  For Derek Gray, Chris Hemsworth
Tell us about your cover. Did you design it yourself?
A: I selected some possible photos, but the cover was designed by Les Germain.
What do you do when you are not writing?
A: Read, walk and meet with friends, and try to find the best chocolate croissant in New York City.
What are you currently working on?
A: A time travel book about Marilyn Monroe.



About Elyse Douglas

Elyse Douglas is the pen name for the married writing team Elyse Parmentier and Douglas Pennington. Elyse grew up near the sea, roaming the beaches, reading and writing stories and poetry, receiving a master’s degree in English Literature.  She has enjoyed careers as an English teacher, an actress, and a speech-language pathologist.  She and her husband, Douglas Pennington, have completed numerous novels including The Other Side of Summer, The Summer Letters, The Christmas Eve Letter, Time Change, The Summer Diary, and The Christmas Diary.

Douglas grew up in a family where music and astrology were second and third languages.  He has worked as a graphic designer, a corporate manager, and an equities trader.  He attended the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and played the piano professionally for many years. Elyse and Douglas live in New York City.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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15 responses to “Review: Daring Summer by Elyse Douglas

  1. Lindy Gomez

    This sounds like a suspense filled courtroom drama! I like that you get to know the characters thoughts and what drove their actions. Ben sounds like a scary character!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  2. Oh, I do love when books have court room drama scenes and it sounds like an interesting complicated romance, too.

    Fun getting the author’s extra thoughts.

  3. Katiria Rodriguez

    Great review and interview this book looks and sounds really fantastic, I am glad you fully enjoyed the book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post and for putting this book on my radar.