Review: Breaking Season by K. A Linde

Posted on July 22, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 13 Comments


I have been anticipating the release of Breaking Season from the moment I met Camden and Katherine in The Lying Season and The Hating Season. There was an air of anger, dissension and sexual tension surrounding them, which made me curious to learn their story.

It is said that first impressions are the most lasting, and I was curious to see if the author could change my initial reaction to these two. Well, she did an excellent job. I found Katherine to be unstable, bitter, unlikeable and a social climber, while Camden was detached, cynical, intimidating and controlling. While reading the previous books I kept wondering why did these two got married as they were constantly angry with each other. Well, Breaking Season taught me there was more to these two than I initially thought. I had the honor of peeling away their layers and slowly learning that the facade they portrayed was a means to cover up the pain from their past. I witnessed their softer, caring and protective sides. Linde did such a marvellous job with them, that by the end of the story my initial impression of them took a 360-degree turn.

They both have been through a lot and they deserved happiness. I loved how it turned out for them both. I especially loved the twist the author created. A twist, which worked in Camden’s favour and it made me happy for him.

I enjoyed how their love for each other developed throughout the story. It was clear as day that they cared for each other, but their fears and pain from their past proved to be their biggest stumbling blocks.

The couples from the previous books in this series were present in this installment, and it was fun catching up with them.

The story addressed effects of anorexia. The struggle to maintain what one believes is the perfect body to the detriment of one’s health. It also touched on cancer in children. The story did not go in depth with these topics, but the author provided enough information for the reader to understand the effects of both diseases.

I had a splendid time with this story and was happy with how it ended. If you enjoy enemies to lovers’ romance, then The Breaking Season would be a great addition to your shelf. 


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About K.A. Linde

K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding Series, Wrights, and more than thirty other novels. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, binge-watching Supernatural, traveling, and dancing in her spare time. She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband and two super-adorable puppies.

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13 responses to “Review: Breaking Season by K. A Linde

  1. You don’t get too many modern arranged marriages and fun that the author totally won you over into loving these characters after their poor showing in earlier books.

  2. kate

    This sounds really fun. I like the arranged marriage trope and you don’t see that often in contemporary romance.

  3. I have been curious about this series but was unsure, i can be picky about angst at times. But you have convinced me I need these books in my life. I am buying book one now. Darn you LOL