Just My Luck by Adele Parks

Posted on May 5, 2021 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 16 Comments

Do you play the lottery? What would you do if you won £17.8 million? Would you share it, keep it all for  yourself or would spend like there is no tomorrow? Just My Luck by Adele Parkes demonstrates a few of the scenarios likely to occur in such a situation. All I will say is, I am glad I don’t play the lottery.

Just My Luck by Adele Parks was all sorts of crazy.  From start to finish it had me wracking my brain, trying to come with words to describe these characters. Greedy, deceitful and evil would be the most fitting words.  They had no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and the deeper the reader got into the story the worst they got. Thank goodness not all were like that. 

The heroine, Lexi despite not being like the others got on my nerves for the majority of the story.  The story  portrayed her as someone without a backbone, who allowed her greedy and conniving husband to run roughshod over her. Then the ending revealed her in  light that ran contrary to what was previously portrayed.

This story acts as the perfect guide as to what one should not do when playing the lottery and the pitfalls to avoid if by chance one wins.  The actions of  the main characters shocked and dismayed me. The lengths they went through to get their hands on the money. Mind you these people were friends for fifteen years and all it took was £17.8 million to destroy it all.  The person who actions proved to be most shocking of all was Jake, Lexi’s husband.  His greed came to light early in the story, but his actions near to the end shocked me to the core. 


Despite my not being a huge fan of the characters I could not put the book down. I had to know how it would all end, and what an ending.  Everyone got what they each deserved.  Just My Luck is a well paced thriller, which  will have you turning the pages. Fans of domestic thrillers should consider adding it to their shelves.

Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star


[bctt tweet=”If you enjoy a well paced domestic thriller with characters you love to hate then Just My Luck by Adele Parks would make a great addition to your library. #thriller #newrelease #pageturner” username=”TtlyAdd2Reading”]

About Adele Parks

Adele Parks is the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of twenty novels, including Lies Lies Lies and Just My Luck, as well as I Invited Her InJust My Luck is currently in development to be made into a movie. Her novels have sold 4 million copies in the UK alone, and her work has also been translated into thirty-one languages. 

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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16 responses to “Just My Luck by Adele Parks

  1. I have enjoyed reading Adele Parks before and like the sound of this, Your review was excellent and I can see that I will be adding Just My Luck to my collection soon,

  2. I felt the same way you did about the characters – they annoyed me greatly, yet the writing was so compelling I couldn’t leave it alone.

  3. I haven’t played the lottery in years, but my hubby does. I like the idea behind the book, but being full of characters I might not like doesn’t fill me with wanting to read it. Glad that it was still a good read for you. Great review.