?Review: City of Deadly Dreams by Elyse Douglas

Posted on June 25, 2021 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 15 Comments

City of Deadly Dreams by Elyse Douglas is a unique noir style mystery featuring former NYPD detective turned private investigator Dane Cooper. Come see why this  would make a great addition to your summer reading list.


The story, which was set in modern day New York, had the feel of a noir style Private Investigator mystery. A distraught father came to Dane seeking his help in finding his son, Elvis. His parents believed him to be the reincarnation of Elvis, the King of Rock-and-roll. They had so many plans for him, but then he left Tennessee and they have heard from him since then. On hearing the details behind the young man’s disappearance, Dane was reluctant to take the case. However, the enticement of monetary compensation, which he so desperately needed, led to him taking the case. Soon he finds himself caught up in the world of the beautiful and enticing Darcy Lynn Roberts, who he believes can help him in his search for Elvis. 

As Dane’s investigation progressed, he discovers that Elvis had amassed several enemies in his short life. A disgruntled Madam, a jealous husband and an enraged father. Dane finds himself in a race against time in locating Elvis and saving both himself and the young man before they end up dead.

With unconventional characters, an engaging storyline and entertaining writing, City of Dreams proved a difficult book to put down. It may not have been one hundred percent perfect, but it still kept me entertained. There were some interesting revelations, some of which I wished were further explored. Danger and suspense with well-placed twists kept me on my toes throughout this riveting tale.

The story centered on Elvis, but he got little page time. In fact, he did not appear until near the end. Despite this, he intrigued me. I understood (not that I agree) why his parents dreamed of him being in the music industry. This story was a great reminder why parents should allow their child/children to live their own dreams and not the one they want for them.


Readers who enjoy old style detective stories will get a kick out of City of Deadly Dreams. 

Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

[bctt tweet=”Love noir style detective stories then City of Deadly Dreams by Elyse Douglas with it’s modern day back drop will make the perfect summer read. #newrelease #mystery #unique #entertaining” username=”TtlyAdd2Reading”]

About Elyse Douglas

Elyse Douglas is the pen name for the married writing team Elyse Parmentier and Douglas Pennington. Elyse grew up near the sea, roaming the beaches, reading and writing stories and poetry, receiving a master’s degree in English Literature.  She has enjoyed careers as an English teacher, an actress, and a speech-language pathologist.  She and her husband, Douglas Pennington, have completed numerous novels including The Other Side of Summer, The Summer Letters, The Christmas Eve Letter, Time Change, The Summer Diary, and The Christmas Diary.

Douglas grew up in a family where music and astrology were second and third languages.  He has worked as a graphic designer, a corporate manager, and an equities trader.  He attended the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and played the piano professionally for many years. Elyse and Douglas live in New York City.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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